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TabbedOut App & POS
Project Name
TabbedOut App & POS
My role in this project
UI / UX Designer
Tools used
Photoshop, Illustrator, Invision
About the Project
Tabbedout is a Mobile Ordering solution for the modern bar and restaurants. By easing the process of ordering and paying from your mobile device, Tabbedout solved the problem of people leaving credit cards at restaurants, not having to bring your wallet when you are out with your friends and bar owners for those runaways with open tabs that brought them headaches.
Main Objectives
Create a user flow so intuitive that people and bar owners could use despise distractions, unpredictable situations, cloud based and secured information, backup and privacy respectful to all parties.
The Problem
Experience should never interfere with real world, people on both sides, bar owners, waiters, bar tenders, and public are not to blame for any tech inconveniences. Having this in mind, multiple cases were studied and risks of any kind had to be assured, secured, or at least to be considered. Storms causing blackouts, intermittent internet connection, a very fun time and too many drinks, runaways, and many more. We are all humans and tech is here to make our lives easier, not harder. Increasing the engagement, was also part of the challenge, we had some returning and current users, who knew the app and how it worked but in order to keep them in the loop and bring new users, bar and restaurant staff and users became even more important.
The Solution
Trials and Tests were performed to several individuals and groups in multiple situations. To improve the engagement gamification principles, such as real world and virtual rewards were implemented, promotional codes and the best an application that made their fun time out even better with facilitating experience that Tabbedout brought.
Personal Take Aways
The process of working in an everyday transforming, evolving, and developing product was incredible transformative and formative for my professional career, the ability to work and test prototypes, potential features, current flows and test every aspect past, present and future with actual users made such an impact in my perspective of how usability and research can cause in the interaction with the real world to be a great experience or not. Performing interviews, catching gestures, answers, interactions, doubts, eye rolling and a-ha moments, was something that I definitely encourage for every project to perform, not only for the please and the information these techniques can provide, but also for the results and the satisfaction we can see in the final product.

the process

User Personas
Creation of user personas and not thinking of people just as users, provided the research more empathy and a perspective of how people will be using the application taking in mind their real world situations. Two applications were developed one for bars and restaurants as their POS, and one for the common users that wanted to have a fun time at their favorite venues.
Personas Stories
As we had as many personas as we considered for each application interaction several stories were created and written to consider possible scenarios in which they could be as they walked into a venue.
User Flows
The stories helped us trace possible paths and step by step flows that we could tackle in the best possible way to improve the experience, and functionality.
Wireframing & UI Guidelines
Wireframes became possible once the requirements were stablished, layout construction, hierarchy and functional priorities started to become a reality, and solutions tested. Sometimes, with wireframes tests were made with users to prove their viability and success before going into HiRes design. Some other features just went through depending also on Tabbedout initiative.
User interface Design & Prototyping
Beatufying the wireframes by adding styles, and design, bringing them to life was another fun part, filling in the blanks and choosing elements and micro interactions was also worked in this phase, also, with working prototypes tests were performed internally and some particular users,
User Testing
The last place of user testing for this particular project has nothing to do with the implementation of it, as these tests were performed along the inception of most features until their release and even after. Once the new product/feature was out it was possible still to be a major success or a brutal failure, this nonetheless, was not a turn down but a beautiful way to bring in consideration we are all humans and we are all not the same our testers were not the final word and will never be, it all was a continuous evolution of the application and ourselves as a team.